These are the stages of the Vortex of Depression:
- Shock: You have just had the horrendous epiphany, so retreat into your cave, possibly with sugary supplies, and refuse to talk to anyone for a while. Your face will almost exactly mirror that of the 15 who finds out he's going to be a father, but then vaguely remembers not using a condom (dude, why not? They're free!).
- Denial: You will disbelieve what the calender (curses, now everything has turned against you!) and common sense tells you, and deny that tomorrow is a day to be avoided. You will become very sad when you realize this is not the case.
- Anger: After the knowledge of the next day has sunk in, you will turn ravid with rage. All things that irritate you will perish. Your family will suffer. Bubble wrap will be popped in a vicious and vindictive way. You will behave like Margret Thatcher crossed with a nasty occurrence of PMS. Here's a 'nifty' cartoon I drew for ya to illustrate the point.
- Plotting: This stage often continues until the bad event of the day has been got over with. You will think up increasingly outlandish ways to avoid the day, usually involving some sort of physical impairment. They will start simply, such as inhale airwick to get a chesty cough rendering you ill for the next day, but quickly progress to the absurd, such as run over by a wheelie bin to step on a plant pot and fake-rupture your spleen. If you are in the middle of the unwanted event, then your instincts will tell you to abandon plotting and just run out of there! Ignore those impulses.
For me, my Bad Days that I try fruitlessly to escape whilst trying to resist that desire, are Mondays and Wednesday. This is because I have double chemistry and AT LEAST double physics (then latin) on those days. The subjects are alright by themselves, but 4-5 hours of them is mental and physical (because of having to sit on lab stools all day) torture. Can you believe I almost considered using my horrendous guitar-dropped-on-head injury to attempt to get out of school on Monday? I know, you feel soooo sorry for me, stuff the homeless and poor people that can't even afford food, let alone an education, my Bad Days really put things into perspective. And if they don't, my humongous workload certainly would!
On a philanthropic note, Christmas is fast approaching and I have a few charity oriented ideas to help out those in need that me and my family are going to put into action, and it'd be great if you had a quick think about some cool stuff you could do for worse-off people around the Christmas holidays, cos y'know, although our lives may suck sometimes, chances are they really don't.
I singed off part of my eyebrow in Chemistry today. I'm in the plotting stage of getting tomorrow off so I can attempt to regrow it.
ReplyDeleteSexy ;) I never singed myself in chemistry, but I suppose it would be a worthwhile endevour to get a day off! Did it work?